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We’ve spoken so much about materials, brands, types of countertops, how to choose, how to think, and a thousand other details. We’re sure you’ve got them by now. Time to speak about the process you must follow to receive the kitchen of your dreams!

The first part is the quotation request. Send us a free quotation in which you state a few details regarding your project. These details include layout and measurements, granite color or group, edge, personal information including the job address, contact information and any other information you consider relevant for your project. We will contact you in no more than 24 hours and ensure you receive the best price, delivery time and consultation from our specialists.

The second step is templating. After the quote is done and you have picked your materials, we must schedule a template, which usually takes no more than 2 hours. In order for the template to be done, the cabinets have to be installed and the sink needs to be in the location. Your presence is necessary during measurements, because you are the best person to answer any questions we might have in order to perfectly tailor the countertops to your needs.

Step three is fabrication. Our aim is to have your project installed within one week. The countertops will be cut by our expert and the quality of these cuts will be checked by our managers. Once they are approved, a sealant coat will be applied, and your countertops will be ready for installation.

The last step is, of course, the installation of the countertops. We kindly ask you to be home to supervise this process. The entire installation process usually takes between one and four hours, during which our experts will take care of everything.

After this last step, we will leave so you can enjoy your new countertops in the privacy of your own home. You will surely be thrilled with their quality, and we will be thrilled to come back next time you need countertops.